After years of complaints against the credit card companies for unfair and deceptive practices, the federal government approved sweeping new restrictions on credit card companies on Dec. 19. Consumer responses to the measure, however, show that many remain skeptical about the long-term benefits of the changes and strongly disapprove of the 18-month delay in implementation.
Many comments echoed the sentiments of one poster: "When was the last time Barnes & Noble called you up and said they wanted more money for the book they sold you last month? Have you EVER paid in full for a computer or a cd player or a shirt and later received a letter telling you the price was actually 500 or 1,000 percent more than what you had agreed to pay and you had better fork over the bucks? Credit card companies are not our friends; they should not be taking taxpayer hand-outs; they should not be permitted to abuse the citizens of this country. Further, I am SHOCKED that the new rules will not take effect for eighteen months. There is literally NO COST involved in effecting them NOW."
Another wrote: "These rules and regulations need to be implemented NOW, not almost two years from now. What a joke as the ripoff continues. How come the Wall Street bailouts always take place immediately, why do new taxes always take place immediately, but when it comes to given [sic] Main Street some help it always takes years from the time they pass the new rules."
Under the new regulations, banks, credit unions and savings associations are prohibited from raising interest rates on existing balances unless a payment was received more than 30 days late; charging a late fee if a borrower was given less than 21 days to pay; and applying payments in a way that would result in debts with higher interest rates getting repaid last. It also protects consumers against predatory credit cards that reduce available credit to subprime borrowers through fee harvesting.
"I believe the eighteen month grace period was a compromise," one commenter wrote. "This timing could make the regulations toothless. The potential is the banks will cull all accounts, reduce or eliminate available credit for millions, raise interest rates to 29.99% or higher for most people, raise late and overdraft fees to $50 or more, and use their current “contract” to extract as many dollars as possible from cardholders. When the new regulations go in effect they will have us where they want us."
The issue of consumer protection from credit card industry practices will continue to remain a priority in the Senate, according to Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.). In a recent Washington Post article, he is quoted as saying, "To restore our economic stability, we must stop credit card companies from ripping off their customers and driving them into deeper and deeper debt…While I expect the Federal Reserve's rules to be a significant step forward in addressing this issue, I believe we need a strong law in place to protect consumers from unfair credit card practices including 'anytime any reason' rate increases, universal default, excessive and unreasonable fees, and marketing targeted to young consumers."
The $970 billion industry stands to lose about $10-12 billion in annual revenue as a result of these changes. The banks have provided dire warnings about the measures, citing a probable decrease in the amount of available credit that would be extended to consumers and increased difficulty in qualifying for new credit.
But most agree with one poster's sentiments that the changes are long overdue: "Too little too late. Where was Congress when these scummy vultures were robbing the American public for the past 10-20 years? And why do they have 18 months to continue robbing us? Maybe to have more time to find loopholes and new ways to screw the public? Look, it's no secret any more that a large part of most banks revenues and profits come from usurous [sic] fees and bogus penalties. They have to find a way to continue to rob the public along these lines. And Congress has to give them time to find those ways so the campaign contributions continue to roll in."
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Consumers Skeptical About New Credit Card Regulations
bank fees,
Federal Reserve,
fee harvesting,
predatory lending